Chosen threats from wind farms located at sea
sustainable development, renewable energy, threats from wind farmAbstract
Paper discussed the problem of threats from wind farm located at sea. It was presented the possibilities (depends on wind energy) of wind energy utilization on the Europe area. It was mentioned the conditions and perspectives of construction the sea wind energy plants in Europe and Poland. It was performed the wind turbines characteristics used on sea shelf. An example of planned investments on Polish economical area and territorial waters was mentioned. It was stayed focused on chosen threats, articulated through groups of people staying in opposite to wind turbine lobby, trying to stem the wind turbine development through localization limitations. The lobby of companies constructed the wind farms (having large funds) and legislation actions e.g. European Union preferring the energy obtained from renewable sources, stands in the opposition of people groups living on the areas in which the wind farms would be located and some groups of ecologists. It is a problem for neutral opinion when the arguments are different from these groups being in accordance with present knowledge and science achievements. Undoubtedly it is a necessary to undertake the compromise actions, allowing for wind power plant development.
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