Cities, unblocking road transport routes in Poland
transport infrastructure, transport system, urban transportAbstract
The article presents the influence of elements of the transport system on its final shape and quality of operation, on the example of road transport infrastructure. In addition, reference was made to the recent thesis, which is the "need to obstruct traffic" for drivers of passenger cars in cities, which may reduce passenger car traffic in their areas. In the further part of the article, selected examples of road investments were presented, together with the economic calculation calculated for them, indicating a quick payback period of the financial outlays incurred for their construction. The article was created as part of a research work entitled: "Analysis of the impact of the built road infrastructure on the level of economic activity in the surrounding territorial units", under the Operational Program Technical Assistance No. POPT.02.01.00-00-0021 / 15-00, Fri: the institution for strategic coordination of the Partnership Agreement in the years 2015-2016, implemented for the Ministry of Investment and Development and the Road Innovation Development Program (RID) organized and financed by the National Center for Research and Development and the General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways (contract No. DZP / RID- I-41/7 / NCBR / 2016).
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