Analysis of the effect of exhaust aftertreatment systems con-figurations on the temperature measured in the exhaust sys-tem of a spark-ignition engine


  • Maciej Siedlecki Poznan University of Technology
  • Paweł Fuć Poznan University of Technology
  • Barbara Sokolnicka Poznan University of Technology
  • Natlia Szymlet Poznan University of Technology



exhaust gas temperature, aftertreatment systems, GPF


The article discusses the effect of exhaust aftertreatment systems configuration on the resulting exhaust gas temperature at selected points of the exhaust system. Catalytic reactors and particle filters must reach a specific temperature in order to effectively perform their functions. The temperature they obtain decreases with the increasing distance from the exhaust manifold, as the gases cool along the way. The performed research consisted of measuring the exhaust gas temperature in various places of the exhaust system in simulated driving conditions mapped on the dynamic engine brake station in the aspect of using a particulate filter and its resulting operating efficiency due to the temperature. Measuring the temperature using thermo-couples allowed to assess the probability of achieving full operation of the filters during urban and extra-urban exploitation in a simulation of real driving conditions.


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How to Cite

Siedlecki, M., Fuć, P., Sokolnicka, B., & Szymlet, N. . (2019). Analysis of the effect of exhaust aftertreatment systems con-figurations on the temperature measured in the exhaust sys-tem of a spark-ignition engine. AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 24(6), 263–267.


