Mercedes-Benz returns to hybrid drives
public transport, hybrid drive, sustainable developmentAbstract
The premiere of the new Citaro with the hybrid drive during this year's Busworld Europe fair is opening a new chapter in the evolution of drive systems of public buses. This time Mercedes-Benz decided to present the completely different attempt at the development of hybrid buses. So far almost all producers have built the hybrid bus, using the conventional drive as the base, however in most cases changes not only were limited to exchanging the components of drive system. Inserting additional electric engine, battery or super condensers and power control system caused, that within design constraints it was necessary to interfere into vehicle superstructure. Of course the assembly of all additional components affected the appreciable increase of the vehicle's price, as well as the increase in mass what has lead to significantly limiting the capacity of the vehicle on average by 10-15 %. Now designers from Mannheim prepared the new construction of the hybrid, being a compromise between the purchase price of the vehicle, price effective costs reduction of its use and the global ecological effect. It was presented in the article.
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