Characteristic of micro injection molding process. Standard injection molding, material selection, micro injection molding machines
micro injection molding, thermoplastics, micro-parts, micro-molds, automotive industryAbstract
The growing needs for miniaturization of plastic parts motivates to the development of micro injection molding technology. Characteristic features of this process such as: low manufacturing costs, short process duration, the ability to produce details of various dimensions and a wide range of plastic properties allow to mass dissemination of this technology. Research on micro injection molding develops in a very fast time, which gives high hopes for a successful overcoming of the real limitations of this technology. This gives a great perspective on the development of the possibility of using micro injection parts e.g. in the automotive industry, including the bus production process. This paper presents the conventional injection molding process ? i.e. the process essence, the injection molding cycle and the construction of a conventional screw-type injection molding machine. The next part of this article focuses on the characteristics of micro injection molding technology. The essence of material selection and micro-part characteristics for the process were presented. Furthermore, injection molding machines for this process were characterized.
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