Remarks on QE Efficiency in the Context of NAIRU Shifts and IS-LM Approach


  • Jan Leszek Bednarczyk Kielce University of Technology
  • Marzena Sobol Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom



inflation, unemployment, low inflation trap


The purpose of the paper is to prove the thesis that the capacities of unconventional monetary policy implemented by the central banks of economically developed countries and aiming at overcoming deflationary and stagnancy processes are becoming exhausted and it will not be in the position to bring about desired effects in the long run in accommodation of economic recovery and, in particular, sustainable improvement in labour market conditions. In consequence, economic authorities of developed countries will be compelled to look for new, more effective methods of supporting recovery.


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How to Cite

Bednarczyk, J. L., & Sobol, M. (2018). Remarks on QE Efficiency in the Context of NAIRU Shifts and IS-LM Approach. Central European Review of Economics & Finance, 28(6), 77–87.


