Attributes of human capital in the context of innovation of the Visegrad Group
innovation, human capital, Visegrad Group countriesAbstract
The aim of the article was to identify and quantify the impact of human potential on the level of innovation of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries. In the theoretical part of the considerations, a critical analysis of the literature on the subject and a library query were used, while in the empirical part a statistical analysis was applied, which included the characteristics of a sample of selected features, an analysis of a series of correlations examining the matching of features, and an analysis of the results obtained. The collected data was compiled using descriptive statistics - average values, dynamics of changes, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. In the course of the analysis, it was possible to identify several dependencies with a fairly strong or moderate strength of the relationship. The main conclusions include the fact that there is a fairly strong positive correlation between human resources in science and technology and expenditure on research and development in the enterprise sector. The practical implication of the study may be the fact of diagnosing the main attributes of human capital which, in turn, may be interpreted as outlining a certain field for the application of a targeted policy aimed at increasing the innovativeness of the Visegrad Group.
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