Public finance in the era of changing economy in Poland
finance, public finance, public revenue, public expenditures, deficit, public debtAbstract
Finance has always been under close scrutiny. Public finance is considered to play a particularly paramount role in world economies. Public finances are complex phenomena that are subject to assessment both within a given country, but also on the basis of an EU methodology (universal for Member States). The aim of this article is to conduct an extensive research on the significance and the development of public finance in the Polish economy over the years 2010 – 2020. The analysis shows that the statistical reference points to persistent imbalances in Poland’s public finances, which manifest themselves in cyclical public deficits. Overall, both the level of income and expenditure in relation to GDP in Poland is at a moderate level in comparison with many European Union countries. The paper includes a critical analysis of the scientific literature and empirical data. This analysis is considered to be vital from the perspective of economic development of countries.
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