Climate policy relevant sectors in the Polish commercial banks


  • Aneta Kosztowniak SGH Warsaw School of Economics



credit portfolio, CPRS, transformation risk


The aim of the study is to estimate credit exposures and their changes in commercial banks' portfolios in terms of sectors important for climate policy, which exposes them to the risk of transition in Poland in 2013-2022. The research concerned the analysis of changes in the structure of the loan portfolio in terms of sectors relevant to climate change (CPRS) broken down by groups (green, black, brown, dirty), industries (fossil fuels, utility-electricity, production, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture), and types of activity divided into sections. The CPRS methodology was applied (Battiston), which is used in EiOPA, ECB, EBA. The share of green exposures of the entire banking sector in 2013-2022 increased (to 49%) and the share of dirty exposures decreased (to 51%). Due to the link between the sections, the three pillars of industries with the greatest risk to transformation among the CPRS were: buildings, transportation and manufacturing.


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How to Cite

Kosztowniak, A. (2023). Climate policy relevant sectors in the Polish commercial banks. Central European Review of Economics & Finance, 42(1), 50–70.


