The impact of the war on banking in Ukraine


  • Viktoriia Stoika Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom



Russian-Ukrainian war, martial law, banking, National Bank of Ukraine


The article is devoted to the study of the operation of the banking system of Ukraine during the war period. The key indicators of the banking sector have been analyzed, in particular, the number of banking institutions and the dynamics of assets and liabilities. The key financial results of the banking sector, namely net profit and loss, return on assets and capital have been analyzed. It is revealed that maintenance of operational efficiency and effective measures taken by the National Bank of Ukraine allowed the banking sector to adapt to the crisis conditions and make a profit under martial law.


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How to Cite

The impact of the war on banking in Ukraine. (2023). Central European Review of Economics & Finance, 43(2), 52-64.