Sustainable development in the context of innovation of selected countries in 2017-2021


  • Katarzyna Brożek Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce



innovation, sustainable development, R&D activities, patents, trademarks, CO2 emissions per capita


The aim of this article is to identify and quantify the relationship between innovation measures and predictors of sustainable development in selected countries. Public statistics resources were used as the source of data collection. The research period includes 6 time intervals, covering the years 2016-2021. The objects of the research turned out to be Poland, the United States, China, Japan and the EPO. The collected data were compiled using basic descriptive statistics. Several measures were identified and defined in an arbitrary manner, allowing research to be carried out and conclusions to be drawn. The results of the analysis were presented in tabular, graphical and descriptive form. The nature of the considerations is overwhelmingly empirical. The practical implication of the study may be the fact of indicating the strength of the relationship connecting selected innovation measures with energy consumption (measured by CO2 emissions per capita).


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How to Cite

Brożek, K. (2023). Sustainable development in the context of innovation of selected countries in 2017-2021. Central European Review of Economics & Finance, 45(4A), 5–20.


