Sustainable urban mobility - an important element of EU climate policy
climate policy, rail passenger transportAbstract
Sustainable urban mobility, decarbonisation and improving the mobility of the population itself are among the objectives of European climate policy - commonly referred to as the 'Green Deal'. In order to achieve this goal, the main focus is on public transport, especially rail transport - the most sustainable, environmentally friendly mode. The railway provides a convenient and fast connection between the suburbs and satellite towns and the centre of the agglomeration. It makes it possible to move large numbers of passengers in an efficient, safe and faster way than by car. The railway should form the basis of the transport system of cities, especially agglomerations. This paper presents a synthetic analysis of the place of railways in the transport service of Polish agglomerations. This issue is presented in the aspect of ecological problems of contemporary cities, and against the background of the main trends of the entire rail passenger transport market in Poland. The analysis covered the years 2010-2022, and on its basis the essential features and trends of the market were identified.
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