Benefits resulting from the implementation of the corporate social responsibility


  • Magdalena Zwierzchowska Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom



corporate social responsibility, ISO 26000, benefits, responsible business, forum, KPMG


The paper presents benefits resulting from the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility by observing guidelines included in ISO 26000:2010 standard according to the studies carried out by the Association Responsible Business Forum and KPMG an audit and advisory company. We presented the methodology of the studies undertaken by the organization mentioned above which analyzed the condition of the CSR in Poland. The same studies are carried out every year and special reports are drawn up based on their results which are described in detail together with a commentary comparing the current state of affairs with the previous year. The results of these measurements allow to check whether the CSR idea becomes more popular and more frequently applied and whether it brings measurable benefits both to the companies and their surroundings.


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How to Cite

Zwierzchowska, M. (2017). Benefits resulting from the implementation of the corporate social responsibility. Central European Review of Economics & Finance, 21(5), 59–74.


