Cultural Determinants and Perspectives of International Expansion of Enterprises from Economies in Transition


  • Robin Gowers Writtle University College
  • Anna Pająk Institute for Sustainable Technologies, National Research Institute
  • Edgar Klusa Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom



globalization, cultural diversity, transition economies, entry strategies


Within this article the authors attempt identify and analyze the key cultural success factors for companies when developing strategies to move out of their home market.  Such strategies can often involve significant cost and risk.  However, many companies fail due to overlooking the cultural aspects of entering new arenas.  The approach used in the article analyzes culture in the wider perspective, from the individual to the national dimensions, looking for the important roots in the historical and institutional backgrounds that need to be considered when developing strategies.  A focus on Polish companies is then developed.  Poland, representing a post-transition economy, is an interesting case study in the context of cultural and social factors in internationalization, especially in the light of important ongoing transitions on the global scene.


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How to Cite

Gowers, R., Pająk, A., & Klusa, E. (2018). Cultural Determinants and Perspectives of International Expansion of Enterprises from Economies in Transition. Central European Review of Economics & Finance, 25(3), 21–35.


