Cluster Initiatives as Means to Improve the Effectiveness of Revitalisation of the Old Town Urban Units


  • Andrzej Gumieniczek Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom



clustering, innovations, revitalization program, Old Town in Lublin


The paper aims to indicate the possibility of implementation of innovative cluster initiatives in the process of revitalisation of the old town urban units. The article attempts to gather the most important aspects of a model cluster project aimed at the revitalisation of historic urban area. Reality of revitalisation and its effectiveness, as well as the use of the social, economic and cultural potential of historic urban units were illustrated by the example of revitalisation of Old Tow in Lublin. It is proposed to change the approach towards the problems that the revitalisation of the old town units causes and emphasise the cluster initiatives which can accelerate the process of revitalisation and improve its effectiveness. In addition, the possibility of deviation from the plan which utilises the funds received from the municipality and the EU ?aid? funds as entire funding sources was proposed.


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How to Cite

Gumieniczek, A. (2018). Cluster Initiatives as Means to Improve the Effectiveness of Revitalisation of the Old Town Urban Units. Central European Review of Economics & Finance, 25(3), 83–96.


