Monetary valuation of intellectual human capital in innovative activity


  • Мarina Alekseevna Fedotova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Olga Vladislavovna Loseva Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Olga Igo-revna Kontorovich Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



intellectual human capital, value, valuation, innovation activity


The article views the structure of an organization?s intellectual human capital, which integrates both employees? intellectual, professional and personal abilities to perform innovation activity and their results achieved in the process of this activity. The authors prove the role of intellectual human capital in improving an organization?s innovation activity. Basing on the cost, income, expert and psychological approaches, the article develops the intellectual capital monetary valuation model focused on an increase in the objectivity of measuring its value by means of the individual intellectual and performance report. The application of this model is aimed at activating the innovative development of social and economic entities by increasing the quality and efficiency of intellectual human capital


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Knowledge and human capital as determinants of innovativeness

How to Cite

Fedotova М. A., Loseva, O. V., & Kontorovich, O. I.- revna. (2016). Monetary valuation of intellectual human capital in innovative activity. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 11(2), 369-385.

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