Idea management system application types in local and global context
idea management system, local, global, applicationAbstract
Research background: Web-based idea management systems provide local and global idea management potential for many well-known and established companies, such as Boeing, Panasonic, Volkswagen, Volvo and P&G. Based on previous research done by the authors, there is an existing gap in the available literature and research on the subject: (1) there is a lack of evidence on how different idea managements system types materializes in local and global contexts; (2) there is a lack of research on how frequent these systems are applied in the global context.
Purpose of the article: The paper aims to clarify which of the web-based idea management system types produce significantly better results when applied in the local and in the global context.
Methods: The following research attempts to close the existing research gap empirically by conducting a survey. In the research paper analysis of 447 responses was included ? global companies that use idea management systems. The respondents were reached through idea management system providers.
Findings & Value added: The research results suggest that there is a difference between the intensity of different web-based idea management system types (based on involved sources and process focus) of application if these systems are used for the global or local context. The study contributes theoretically and practically to the discussion about the potential idea management system application types in different contexts.
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