Selected Problems of Integration of Foreigners in the Czech Republic


  • Libuse Macakova University of Economics in Prague



integration, immigration, education, health care


The aim of this paper is to characterize the problems of immigration and subsequent integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic. The starting point is a brief historical perspective on the development of migration policies of the Czech Republic and the development of immigration in recent years. The aspects discussed in particular are education and health care, as the main factors affecting the integration of immigrants. The analysis suggests a pivotal role of the state in the activities focused on the integration of foreigners, an important role is played by non-profit organizations. In the end of the paper attention is focused on the Czech public attitude to immigration. Active immigration policy in the Czech Republic began in 2003. Currently, integration is understood as an essential part of the immigration policy of the Government of the Czech Republic. Integration of foreigners into the Czech society is directly linked to the process of immigration and is crucial for the smooth immigrant participation in the local labor market and life in the country. The main problem is the lack of knowledge of the Czech language by adult immigrants and especially their children, lack of knowledge of the Czech language, which significantly complicates the possibility of integration into the Czech society. Access to health care is another critical area of integration. Not all areas of integration are managed entirely ideally. This paper tries to highlight specific partial deficiencies. Further development is possible only after an analysis of the basic factors of integration.


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How to Cite

Macakova, L. (2013). Selected Problems of Integration of Foreigners in the Czech Republic. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 8(1), 109-124.

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