Intellectual Capital And Innovativness Of Polish Enterprises In The Context Of Europe 2020 Strategy Goals


  • Anna Wildowicz-Giegel University of Bialystok



intellectual capital, enterprise innovativeness, perspectives of Polish economy development


From the majority of European Union documents it explicitly follows that innovations are a key to the economic future of Europe. Innovativeness, understood as a propensity to create new or modernize the existing solutions, and the ability to absorb foreign scientific or technological achievements, is extremely important for the Polish economy. Unfortunately, both innovation activity of enterprises and the results obtained in this field by the Polish economy have not been satisfactory so far. The main purpose of this study is to present the issue of innovation in Polish enterprises, significantly influenced by intellectual capital. It is commonly known that all intangible assets possessed by a society, i.e. all the components of intellectual capital, including human, structural and social assets, currently play an important role in the process of creating innovation. The analysis of the relation between the innovativeness of economic entities and the quality of Poland?s intellectual capital was done in the light of the basic assumptions of the renewed Lisbon Strategy and the Europe 2020 Strategy.


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Knowledge and innovation in global economy

How to Cite

Wildowicz-Giegel, A. (2012). Intellectual Capital And Innovativness Of Polish Enterprises In The Context Of Europe 2020 Strategy Goals. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 7(1), 33-45.

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