The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr ) on Companies? Competitiveness ? Proposed Research Directions


  • Olaf Flak University of Economics in Katowice
  • Adrian Pyszka University of Economics in Katowice



corporate social responsibility, CSR, competitiveness, value chain, competitive context, stakeholders


The present paper is the continuation of the authors? previous publication on the potential impact of corporate social responsibility on the competitiveness of organizations. The research objective is to show the area of study as the junction of the classic concept of competitiveness and a new business model created out of CSR-focused management seen from the perspective of the value chain and the competitive context. The planned effect the paper is the presentation of a proactive and strategic approach to CSR and a way of exploring and testing hypotheses concerning the impact on enterprises? competitiveness. In the final section attention is paid to the pitfalls connected with implementing CSR.


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How to Cite

Flak, O., & Pyszka, A. (2011). The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr ) on Companies? Competitiveness ? Proposed Research Directions. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 6(4), 39-52.

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