The Labor Market in Romania ? Between Structural Reform and Current Adjustment


  • Diana-Mihaela Pociovalisteanu “Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, West University of Timişoara



labor market, reform, Romania


The economic and political changes generated by the reforms after 1990 have had consequences on the labour resources. In such context, there have been several structural and functional changes on various segments of the labor market. However, the instability at the level of this market can be also seen as a result of the impact of the global crisis on Romania?s economy. The negative demographic tendencies had direct consequences on the labor market, such as the lowering of the percentage of employed population following the small birth rate, high general and infant mortality rate, the deterioration of the population?s biological potential of, the decreased life expectancy rate, ageing population, especially in the rural environment, a high rural-urban migration as a result of the necessity for survival, as well as the intensification of the qualified workforce migration from our country. The purpose of this paper is to highlight some policy measure to counter the disfunctions existing on the labor market in our country.


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Education And Labour Markets

How to Cite

Pociovalisteanu, D.-M. (2011). The Labor Market in Romania ? Between Structural Reform and Current Adjustment. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 6(3), 103-116.

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