Creativity as a Factor for Socio-Economic Development of Polish Regions


  • Maria Kola-Bezka Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun



regional creativity, socio-economic development


This article aims to verify the hypothesis that creativity is an important factor for socio-economic development of Polish regions. The first part of the paper clarifies the idea of regional creativity, its factors and method of measurement. Following two parts present meth­odology and results of the research concerning creativity and development which uses multi­variate comparative analysis. The next one examines relationship between these phenomena. The research revealed that there is strong correlation between the level of creativity and socio-economic development of regions in Poland. In addition, there are large disparities in the level of creativity of these regions. It may be one of the reasons for persistence and even deepening of interregional differences in the level and dynamics of socio-economic development of these regions in the future.


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Regional Development of European and Polisish Economy

How to Cite

Kola-Bezka, M. (2011). Creativity as a Factor for Socio-Economic Development of Polish Regions. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 6(1), 71-84.

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