Environmental Management in Germany


  • Małgorzata Szymańska-Brałkowska Univeristy of Gdańsk




environmental management, environmental management systems, ISO 14001, EMAS, Germany


The article raises the problem of environmental management in Germany. Its main research field is focused on environmental management systems (EMS) certified according to ISO 14001 and on Ecology Management and Audit Scheme ? EMAS. The main target of this paper is to analyse how EMS operate in German economy and to evaluate the role of ecological initiatives among companies dealing with various aspects of global economic and environmental issues. The article underline German strong economic performance that leads to generating approximately 20% of EU?s GDP. That makes German economy one of the strongest among the EU Member States. The research shows that the environmental management plays an important role for German companies and organisations. The high rate of ISO 14001 implementations (4 877 in the end of 2007) gives Germany fourth rank in Europe and eight place globally. Whereas the evaluation of companies that took part in EMAS shows Germany as a leading country in this research field (1417 companies and organisations in 2009). The analysis carried through this research underlines the high importance of environmental management in German economy and among the companies. Moreover it shows the increasing significance of environmental CSR as a way of competing on global market, improving company?s image and fitting to global economic and environmental demand. Improving company?s environmental performance by implementation of environmental management conduct to cost reduction and rationalisation of its organisation. Therefore it is appropriate way of dealing with the global economic crisis and environmental questions.


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Economics of Environment

How to Cite

Szymańska-Brałkowska, M. (2010). Environmental Management in Germany. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 5(2), 153-164. https://doi.org/10.12775/EQUIL.2010.032

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