Labour market in Germany in the years 2000-2009 - new forms of employment


  • Lilianna Jodkowska Hochschule für technik und wirtschaft Berlin



labour market, low-paid jobs, temporary workplaces


The aim of the paper is to present the situation on the German labor market after the year 2000 using data analysis and their graphic presentation as well as description of new forms of employment. The paper consists of 2 parts, introduction and conclusion. In part one the situation on the labor market was presented with regard to the employment rate and unemployment rate in the years 2000-2009 taking into account the reforms of unemployment benefits (2005). In part two of the paper these new forms of employment were described (Minijob, low-paid jobs, temporary workplaces) that in recent years have been competing with and displacing permanent employment, providing employers with the necessary flexibility, especially important during crisis. Description of these forms of employment was extended by the analysis of poverty risk among groups of workers with low-paid jobs and temporary workplaces. In the conclusion, there is a summary of the trends that are apparent on the labor market and of the changes caused by them in the financial situation of the workers.


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Labour markets in European Union

How to Cite

Jodkowska, L. (2010). Labour market in Germany in the years 2000-2009 - new forms of employment. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 4(1), 119-130.

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