The Home Bias in the Process of European Integration


  • Anna Kozłowska University of Bialystok



home bias, European integration, Single Market


This article aims to identify the relationship between the phenomenon of home bias and the process of European integration. During the past decades, European integration has evolved from a Common Market and the Customs Union, the Internal Market and Economic, and Monetary Union. Despite the improvements in integration of European markets, their potential is not fully exploited. Countries consumption baskets and inwestment portfolios still contain a predominant share of domestically produced products and domestic assets and national-born workers working in national labour markets. This is commonly known as the phenomenon of home bias.


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Integration processes in Europe and in the world

How to Cite

Kozłowska, A. (2010). The Home Bias in the Process of European Integration. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 4(1), 143-152.

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