Comparative analysis of the American and Swedish economic system from the perspective of the property rights theory


  • Paweł Umiński Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun



The article presents a comparison of the two most developed economies in the world ? Swedish and American. The main subject of the paper is the range of property rights in those two types of economic systems. Economy of The United States of America resembles the theory of capitalism the most, so it has the largest range of property rights. Swedish state; on the other hand, often interferes with the market, thus restricts ownership rights. It seems that these differences do not have the key impact on the economic efficiency of those countries.


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How to Cite

Umiński, P. (2009). Comparative analysis of the American and Swedish economic system from the perspective of the property rights theory. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 3(2), 137-153.