The capital structure and determinants which influence on agricultural farms performance


  • Magdalena Mądra Warsaw University of Life Sciences



The aim of the research was to qualify the theory of capital structure in aspect of financing small enterprises. The elaboration also deals with assessment of conditions which influence on capital structure of agriculture holdings in farmers opinion. The research were conducted with the questionnaire interview usage and it was became passed in 2008 on the group of 100 farmers leading individual agricultural farms in the FADN system in the Mazowsze province. The managers of farms as a main obstacle of engagement the foreign capital acknowledged too complicated and time-consuming bank procedures. Framers also pointed out problem which concerns the synchronization of financial flows which should provide a punctual repayment of debts. Farmers among preferred financing structures indicated this which contained 25% participation of debts in total assets.


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How to Cite

Mądra, M. (2008). The capital structure and determinants which influence on agricultural farms performance. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 1(1-2), 171-182.