Analysis of the operation of selected pneumatic control systems in a virtual and real laboratory


  • Mirosław Luft Casimir Pulaski Radom University
  • Konrad Krzysztoszek Casimir Pulaski Radom University
  • Danie Pietruszczak Casimir Pulaski Radom University
  • Dariusz Podsiadły Casimir Pulaski Radom University



compressed air, electropneumatics, pneumatics, virtual laboratory, pneumatic control systems


The paper presents possibilities of using VirtualPneumoLab software and Pneumatics TP 101 laboratory workstation for research and testing pneumatic control systems. Examples of laboratory experiments of pneumatic sequential control systems and systems performing logical functions are given. Possibilities of using pneumatic systems in controlling and advantages of both “virtual” character of VirtualPneumoLab software and “real” model of the laboratory workstation Pneumatics TP 101 are pointed out.


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