Responsibilities and competencies in personnel management at Czech schools
personnel management, school management, Czech RepublicAbstract
Research background: The fundamental conclusions about the relationship be-tween personnel management and organizational performance can be also applied to personnel management in primary and secondary schools, which play an important role in the society. There is no doubt that headmasters, deputy headmasters and other school managers who want to achieve excellent performance of their schools, must pay special attention to management of all employees (including teaching and non-teaching staff) because their abilities, motivation and performance determine the desired results of schools.
Purpose of the article: The purpose of the article is to define particular categories of man-agers in Czech primary and secondary schools and specify their responsibilities and competencies in personnel management in order to propose an optimal organization of personnel management at Czech schools.
Methods: Achieving the purpose of the article is based on the analysis of available scientific literature and the results of the authors' questionnaire survey on the organization of personnel management at Czech primary and secondary schools. The survey was conducted from January to March 2017. The respondents were headmasters, deputy headmasters and other managers of Czech primary and secondary schools. The relevant data were obtained from 90 respondents. The data analysis was based on the calculation of relative frequencies and the evaluation of the dependence of responses using contingency tables and chi-square tests of independence.
Findings & Value added: The findings show that responsibilities for managing teaching and non-teaching staff at Czech schools belong not only to headmasters, but also to other managers at schools, including deputy headmasters, head teachers, heads of school clubs, heads of school canteens, educational consultants, school psychologists, treasurers, or school caretakers. Anyone who influences and directs others in the organization should be involved in personnel management and participate in various personnel management activities related to employee selection, appraisal, compensation or training. The significant competencies of headmasters and other managers in personnel and school management include managerial competencies (the ability to manage others), personal competencies (the ability to manage yourself), or professional competencies (the ability to manage the school).
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