How to effectively support export activity?
exporter, export activity, support, heterogeneous firmsAbstract
Export is crucial for economy. It influences the level of economic growth, balance of payment and social welfare among many others. Therefore, increase in exports often becomes one of the main objectives of governments. This raises the question of how to support export activity of the companies in order to ensure the expected increase in export. Approaches towards this problem differ significantly. The fact that this support is covered mainly from public funds raises the question of the justifiability and effectiveness of such assistance. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether to support export activity at all, and if so, how to do it effectively. To achieve the goal of the article the author analyzed both Polish and foreign literature, with special emphasis on the newest trade theories. The Author analyzes secondary data describing factors that determine export activity, describes the profile of a company becoming an exporter and investigates actual connection between the offered support and the increase in export activity.
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