Assessing the organizational commitment, subjective vitality and burnout effects on turnover intention in private universities
turnover intention, job burnout, emotional exhaustion, organizational cynicism, professional efficacy, subjective vitality, affective commitment, normative commitment, continuance commitmentAbstract
Research background: Faculties of private universities are under immense working pressure, which causes stress and burnout. The job burnout triggers the psychological pressure, which increases the turnover intention.
Purpose of the article: The undertaken study aims to evaluate the scale of burnout with its three-element model, which affects faculty members of private universities of Pakistan. This research also aims to examine the mediating effect of organizational commitment (e.g., affective, normative & continuance commitments), and moderating influence of subjective vitality in a relationship of job burnout and its constituents, for example exhaustion, efficacy & cynicism, and the turnover intention.
Methods: The 712 responses were collected through a structured questionnaire from the junior and senior faculty members of private universities of Pakistan. The data was examined by using second order partial least square ? structural equation approach ? PLS-SEM.
Findings & value added: The research findings exhibited that emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy have a direct significant influence on job burnout. The findings further demonstrated that the job burnout has a cogent and negative impact on faculty turnover intention. The findings demonstrated that elements of organizational commitment (e.g., normative, affective & continuance commitments) have a forceful serial mediating influence between burnout & its constituents for example exhaustion, efficacy & cynicism, and turnover intention. Finally, the findings have revealed that subjective vitality has a significant and positive impact as a moderating variable in a relationship between job burnout and turnover intention. This research has a long-term theoretical contribution, as it provides a novel conceptual framework, which can be replicated in different industries. Thus, this unique model provides the solution to reduce employees? turnover for other industries as well.
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