Empathy and solidarity as a bridge between sustainable development goals and strategic management of higher education institutions





university governance, higher education institutions (HEIs), social responsibility, empathy and solidarity, sustainable development


Research background: Globalization and environmental changes have driven greater complexity in the university governance system, leading to the modification of educational policies, institutional strategies and higher education models in countries on various continents. Specifically, within Social Responsibility (SR) in higher education institutions (HEIs), and under the commitment of university government, the challenges to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) guide universities’ strategic management. It involves various educational actors through strategies linked to the substantive functions of universities.

Purpose of the article: The objective of this study is to explain the influence of students’ perceptions on the social responsibility of the HEIs through empathy and solidarity from the perspective of SDGs in Colombia. For this, we link these two variables with the strategies related to respect and dignity, freedom and citizenship, and environment using the reference point of the institutional challenges faced in university governance.

Methods: This study considers the development of a structural analysis for the confirmation of research hypotheses. The research subjects are students from universities in Colombia, who make up a non-probabilistic sample. A social responsibility perception scale composed of dimensions and variables. The variables are expressed in statements whose response form considers a Likert-type scale.

Findings & value added: The main contribution of the study lies in the value that students attach to empathy and solidarity, due to their connection with the values of SR and the principles of the SDGs. The results show that students’ perceptions of social responsibility for HEIs from SDGs must drive the implementation of strategies based on empathy and solidarity. This would respond to the demands linked with human dignity, relations with the milieu, space generation, free expression of opinions, and fostering respect for others. Finally, it is important to implement comprehensive strategies based on SR values and the principles of the SDGs.


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Author Biographies

  • Dolores Gallardo-Vázquez, Universidad de Extremadura

    Profesor e investigador en España. Es Economista especializada en Contabilidad Financiera, Capital Intelectual y Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, Experta en Implementación de Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad, Maestría en Formación como Docente Universitario en la Educación Superior Europea, Maestría en Gestión de Instituciones de Educación Superior; Beca en la Universidad de Cranfield basada en una ayuda competitiva del Gobierno español. Ha dirigido el Servicio de Orientación y Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad durante cuatro años. Ahora dirige la Oficina de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria. Sus intereses de investigación abarcan varias áreas clave dentro del capital intelectual, la responsabilidad social corporativa, el voluntariado corporativo, la responsabilidad social universitaria, el emprendimiento social y la innovación social, incluidos: contextos de políticas públicas y sociales y el nexo de relaciones entre contabilidad, contabilidad social y rendición de cuentas. Ahora, su investigación está vinculada con la gestión de la Universidad, con la posibilidad de implementar estudios teóricos en el campo práctico. Ha publicado en varias revistas revisadas por pares, libros, actas de congresos internacionales y monografías. También ha impartido cátedras en una amplia variedad de instituciones académicas. Organizó numerosos seminarios, conferencias y cursos de verano internacionales. Ahora dirige una Maestría en Gestión de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial.

  • Pedro Severino-González, Universidad Católica del Maule

    Full-time professor at the Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Catholic University of Maule, Talca (Chile). He has a Master's degree in Business Management, a Commercial Engineer, and a Bachelor's degree in Administrative Sciences from the University of Bío-Bío (Chile). PhD candidate in Economics, mention in Administration from the National University of Cuyo (Argentina). Vice-president of the College of Engineers, Maule region. Founder and CEO of KSE consultants. He has published scientific articles in high-impact indexed journals and book chapters in publishers located in Spain, Chile, Peru, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Venezuela, the United States, Cuba and Colombia. He has participated as a lecturer and speaker in national and international conferences, forums and seminars.

  • Giusseppe Sarmiento-Peralta, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

    Master in Neurosciences and Bachelor in Medical Technology from UNMSM. Renacyt Level V Researcher. Scientific advisor at national and international level. Founder and CEO of E.ciencia Scientific Consulting. He has published scientific articles in high-impact indexed journals and book chapters. He held an academic internship at Harvard University and MIT. Trained by Stanford University, Imperial College London and the University of Tokyo. He is currently a professor at UNMSM and gives talks and conferences globally.

  • José Romero-Argueta, Universidad El Salvador

    Professor and academic researcher in El Salvador. He is a lecturer specialized in English Language Teaching, Educational Research, University Social Responsibility, Expertise in Virtual Learning/Teaching Environments, Expert in Elementary School Education, High School Education, Higher Education, Master in Applied Linguistics in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. He was in charge of the Bilingual Students Association of the School of Arts and Sciences at Universidad Gerardo Barrios, Usulután. Currently, he is working as a full-time professor at the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology of El Salvador. He also works as a part-time professor, teaching curricular courses and pre-graduation modules at different universities in his country. His research interests are focused on Education, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, and Student Social Responsibility at all levels of education. His current research study is related to High School Student Social Responsibility. This is the first time that a study of this type has been developed in El Salvador. He has published articles as a main author and coauthor in different peer-reviewed international journals. He participated in diverse national and international seminars, workshops, and conferences.


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How to Cite

Gallardo-Vázquez, D., Severino-González, P., Tunjo-Buitrago, E., Sarmiento-Peralta, G., & Romero-Argueta, J. (2024). Empathy and solidarity as a bridge between sustainable development goals and strategic management of higher education institutions. Oeconomia Copernicana, 15(3), 925-956. https://doi.org/10.24136/oc.2975

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