Exploring the role of cultural values on consumers’ organic food consumption: Does blockchain-enabled traceability matter?





cultural values, organic food consumption, theory of planned behavior, sustainable consumption, digital technology, blockchain traceability


Research background: There is limited knowledge about how cultural values influence organic food consumption, as well as how blockchain-enabled traceability facilitates this behavior. Given the increasing need for transparency in food supply chains and increasing interest in sustainable consumption, understanding the role of culture and technological innovations like blockchain is crucial.

Purpose of the article: This research applies Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and the Theory of Planned Behavior to investigate the effects of cultural values on organic food consumption, and the moderating role of blockchain-enabled traceability. Therefore, the study aims to contribute to the state of the art by integrating cultural perspectives with technological advancements, offering actionable insights for consumer research and sustainable supply chain management.

Methods: Using a purposive sample of 5,326 consumers in Vietnam, the study employs hierarchical multiple regression to test the conceptual model and hypotheses.

Findings & value added: The findings reveal that uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, and long-term orientation positively influence attitude toward purchasing organic foods, which in turn enhances purchase intentions and behaviors. Conversely, masculinity negatively impacts these attitudes. However, power distance and individualism do not significantly affect attitudes or purchase behaviors. Furthermore, blockchain-enabled traceability significantly moderates the effects of perceived behavioral control on both organic food purchase intentions and behaviors. By bridging the research gap on consumer perspectives on blockchain adoption and cultural impacts on sustainable consumption, the study advances the existing literature and provides a comprehensive framework to understand and facilitate organic food consumption. These contributions have long-term implications for integrating cultural and technological dimensions into consumer behavior research and practical food supply chain management decision-making.


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How to Cite

Duong, C. D. (2024). Exploring the role of cultural values on consumers’ organic food consumption: Does blockchain-enabled traceability matter?. Oeconomia Copernicana, 15(4), 1509-1546. https://doi.org/10.24136/oc.3306

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