Exploring Foreign Direct Investment from Poland Using Grounded Theory Method


  • Marta Götz Institute for Western Affairs




FDI, Poland, grounded theory method (GTM), case studies, government support


The aim of this study, conducted as part of the project ?Polish directinvestment in the mature markets of Western Europe?, was to propose a new concept,along the lines of a grounded theory, and emerging from the empirical data,seeking to explain the phenomenon of Polish investment abroad. Following methodologicalguidelines (GTM, or grounded theory method), including the steps ofsampling, sorting and coding data, resulted in an analytic scheme that may providea framework for the study of Polish FDI (foreign direct investment), particularly inthe Western Europe. The results indicate that foreign expansion is sometimes regardedas a guarantee of a firm?s continued existence in Poland and beyond.A certain syncretism, or dialectic nature, of Polish investment in the markets ofWestern Europe, which may reflect the specific nature of FDI and may serve asa practical measure of this ?diversity,? was identified in the course of this work.The results should enrich the existing literature concerning the relatively weaklyconceptualized categories of Polish foreign investment and should contribute to thefurther development of research on this issue.


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How to Cite

Götz, M. (2013). Exploring Foreign Direct Investment from Poland Using Grounded Theory Method. Oeconomia Copernicana, 4(2), 73-96. https://doi.org/10.12775/OeC.2013.014

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