Factors of Strengthening of International Market Position of Polish Building Enterprises


  • Iwona Posadzińska University of Technology and Life Science in Bydgoszcz




internationalization, building enterprises, market position


The identification is the aim of article and the opinion of factors determining the activity of Polish building enterprises for border. She the analysis was conducted in support about the investigative material accumulated in 2011 year in track of questionnaire investigations in 150 enterprises acting on building market. It the purposeful selection of test was executed was with average communities and the large executing the building works subjects and the manufacturers of building materials. The criterion of selection, except size of employment and the market position of enterprise, specialisation in different kinds of building execution and the production of building materials - the realizing beyond borders of Poland the activity was. It the investigation was subjected was five areas the functioning the enterprises - the workers, organizational culture, technology the, products, the sale and the co-operation - decisive about appearing and (or) the consolidation of position. Both managers the reference of success on international market be dependent on in the largest degree from high skills of human supplies, as and workers. The similarly high opinions characterized the relating the guild of products requirements particularly, the quality and adaptation of to the customers' needs. Opinion of both segments of market of UE - the the founder's countries and remaining she - confirmed the tendencies, happened also in different trades and relating the comparatively large acceptance the and experiences connected with expansion to countries of Western Europe. For Polish sector of building predominant the German market stays. It was one should however suppose, that with regard on progressive integration as well as small cultural distance, market of new countries of UE will be the natural area of growth of activity.


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How to Cite

Posadzińska, I. (2013). Factors of Strengthening of International Market Position of Polish Building Enterprises. Oeconomia Copernicana, 4(1), 117-130. https://doi.org/10.12775/OeC.2013.008

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