A new approach to state sovereignty in the legal and economic sciences


  • Ilona Edyta Wakuluk University of Bialystok




sovereignty, state, globalization, international law, power


Sovereignty for centuries has been controversial issue. The understanding of ?sovereignty? has been evolving since the Ancient Greeks and Romans. The article presents evolution of the conception of sovereignty till the present value of that notion. Nowadays, the states foundations are population, territory and sovereignty (power). We can distinguish sovereignty in two aspects: external (state) and internal (national). The develop of economy and free market are limiting countries influence to national economy. The active progress has got an effect on countries which devolve competence to international relation organs so the countries internal competence became much more lesser. The dynamic development of international law and reinforcement international cooperation cause the tightening of relations and evolution of the concept ?sovereignty?. In the present time, the process of globalization, regionalization or integration aspire to create redefinition of sovereignty. At the beginning of XXI century the active debate on the national identity and sovereignty seems more important than ever before. The transfer of the state authority to other organizations or institutions arouse a lot of controversies. The aim of the article is present the most important issues and to explain different points of views connected with the concept of sovereignty in the legal and economic sciences.


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How to Cite

Wakuluk, I. E. (2011). A new approach to state sovereignty in the legal and economic sciences. Oeconomia Copernicana, 2(4), 43-54. https://doi.org/10.12775/OeC.2011.017

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