Consumer attitudes in the light of the concept of sustainable consumption in Lubuskie voivodeship against the background of trends in consumption in Poland


  • Piotr Kułyk University of Zielona Góra
  • Mariola Michałowska University of Zielona Góra
  • Monika Patelska University of Zielona Góra



consumers’ behaviours, sustainable consumption, trends in consumption, Lubuskie voivodeship, Poland


Research background: The article has addressed the issue of sustainable consumption, which is becoming increasingly important on account of the adverse social and environmental consequences caused by the development and growth of societies. Sustainable consumption encourages to make rational choices and take responsibility for one's choices. Consumers take a number of decisions every day that affect not only them, but also cause externalities. There are many studies that indicate that consumers when buying goods and services are driven by environmental and ethical considerations.
Purpose of the article: Changes occurring in the environment affect consumer behavior, leading to multiplicity of attitudes and changes in consumption trends. The article has shown consumer behavior in line with the concept of sustainable development against the background of trends in consumption in Poland.
Methods: The basis for the discussion in the article will be: literature studies, available empirical studies, and our own results of the survey among respondents in Lubuskie voi-vodeship. Surveys using questionnaires were directed at 541 respondents. The number of correctly completed questionnaires was 500, and the figures contained in them were subjected to further analysis.
Findings & Value added: Respondents in their purchasing choices are not guided by the influence of the consumption on the natural environment. However, in their behaviors we can notice some environmental measures, which stem from different reasons, depending on the socio-economic conditions.


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How to Cite

Kułyk, P., Michałowska, M., & Patelska, M. (2017). Consumer attitudes in the light of the concept of sustainable consumption in Lubuskie voivodeship against the background of trends in consumption in Poland. Oeconomia Copernicana, 8(2), 181-198.

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