Psychological factors influence on energy efficiency in households
psychological factors, efficient use of electricity, householdsAbstract
Research background: Most of the studies and their authors focus on the social and eco-nomic impacts of energy-saving behavior. However, they do not focus on the psychological factors affecting the efficiency of energy consumption in households. Lithuania has a lack of a unified and justified opinion on psychological factors that affect the energy efficiency of households.
Purpose of the article: The main objective of the article is to identify the psychological factors that influence energy efficiency in households and to identify the appropriate measures to change the individual?s energy consumption behavior.
Methods: The article was based on analysis of scientific literature and expert evaluation, when experts selected the most influencing psychological factors. Expert valuation allowed to set the right conditions in which individuals are more easily assimilated by means of energy saving.
Findings: In most cases, economic and technological factors significantly influence household energy consumption. Increased energy-efficient equipment production and supply is causing an energy consumption growth in households, because they are more inclined to buy and use more efficient electrical equipment. An investigation has showed that the energy consumption is strongly influenced by some cultural and psychological factors: with greater public openness to innovation, the households tend to use energy more efficiently. Also, some psychological indicators have significant impact on energy consumption has ? frequently the more pronounced neuroticism or extraversion rate. Since the research was performed only in Lithuania, in the future it will seek to carry out an investigation in several countries and to compare a various factors on the proposed measures and the efficiency of household energy consumption.
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