Offshoring sector in Poland


  • Katarzyna Budzyńska Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin



outsourcing, offshoring, foreign direct investment


Companies across industries gain the competitive advantage by outsourcing and offshoring. Developing countries are becoming the attractive locations for the BPO/SSC enterprises. The article reviews the definition of outsourcing and offshoring and presents the findings for the fast-growing BPO/SSC area in Poland. The study is based on detailed analysis of the literature on outsourcing and offshoring. The article presents a preliminary analysis of offshoring sector in Poland. The following considerations are taken into account: the number of companies and employees in this sector, foreign direct investment. The growing number of companies and employments in this sector. Subsequent growth of the offshoring business service sector in Poland is visible.


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How to Cite

Budzyńska, K. (2016). Offshoring sector in Poland. Oeconomia Copernicana, 7(4), 635-651.

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