Maturity of strategic management in organizations


  • Anna Witek-Crabb Wroclaw University of Economics



maturity, strategic management, organizational development


There is some ambivalence with regard to how to improve strategic management of organizations. On the one hand, the example of big companies emphasizes the need for formalization and good organization of strategic management process. On the other hand, the example of small companies draws attention to such qualities as entrepreneurship, flexibility and adaptability. The concept of strategic management maturity embraces both of these priorities. In this paper, a framework for strategic management maturity has been designed. Strategic management maturity was defined as a resultant of: strategic management process maturity and leadership maturity. Theoretical framework was tested on a sample of 150 Polish enterprises.


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How to Cite

Witek-Crabb, A. (2016). Maturity of strategic management in organizations. Oeconomia Copernicana, 7(4), 669-682.

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