Vinotherapy as an innovation ? impact on health attitudes


  • Małgorzata Rutkowska-Podołowska Wrocław University of Technology
  • Nina Szczygieł University of Aveiro
  • Grzegorz Podołowski Gestamp Wrocław Sp. z o.o.



vinotherapy, wine consumption, health attitudes, cardiovascular system, innovation


Evidence from research has not only excluded negative consequence of moderate wine consumption, but associated consumption of grapes and their components with a protective impact on health. Wine demonstrates anti-cancer, antioxidant and defensive results for the cardiovascular system. Not surprisingly, there is an interest in exploring a growing consumption of wine and turning it into innovative solutions with different approaches, making use of areas that have undergone significant transformations over last decades as a results of a global dynamical change which offer new consumption patterns seen now as driving forces for stagnating economies of the XXI century. This article builds on this perspective aiming to shed some light on wine consumption patterns, health attitudes and the perception and awareness of positive effect of a moderate consumption of wine on human health. The study was carried out between March and May 2013 as a self-administered questionnaire to visitors of liquor stores, wineries, wineries of the Lower Silesia region, Poland. Results demonstrate an interest in consumption of wine with opposite tendencies in opinions about the recommended about the recommended wine quantity of consumption. Some consciousness of health-related benefits and applications of wine show an increasing awareness in this matter.


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How to Cite

Rutkowska-Podołowska, M., Szczygieł, N., & Podołowski, G. (2016). Vinotherapy as an innovation ? impact on health attitudes. Oeconomia Copernicana, 7(4), 683-695.

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