Accomplishment of the European Union lifelong learning objectives in Poland


  • Barbara Kryk University of Szczecin



life-wide life-long learning, European Union, Poland


One of the preconditions for the economic success of a country is education, which today should assume the form of lifelong and life-time learning-LLL). This condition is so important that it was first reflected in the the Lisbon Strategy goals and, subsequently, in the Europe 2020 strategy and its flagship initiatives. It is known that each EU Member State is obliged to achieve the common goals. Hence, this work undertakes to assess the degree to which the EU LLL goals have been accomplished in Poland. This work presents: the essence of LLL, the educational goals set out in the two abovementioned strategies, and the EU recommendations for Poland in this field. Selected indicators were used to determine the level of educational achievements in the country. The following research methodologies were applied for the purpose of this paper: desk research, indicator-based research and deductive research.


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How to Cite

Kryk, B. (2016). Accomplishment of the European Union lifelong learning objectives in Poland. Oeconomia Copernicana, 7(3), 389-404.

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