Contemporary organization and a perspective on integration and development


  • Anna Piekarczyk Poznań University of Economics



systemic approach, know-why methodology, integration, development


The modern organization is becoming more complex and dynamic. Handling such an organization often requires new solutions in order to quickly counter complexity in economy, politics and private life sectors. The cure to this situation may be understanding the complex connections between elements in the system. Thereupon, in the article the modern organization is presented with the use of a network using know-why type thinking as also a model of an effective system taken from nature, which refers to two determinants ? integration and development. The aim of the article is an attempt to answer the question what conditions have to be fulfilled, for the organization to give a feeling of integration and development with a detailed focus on the balance between the two factors.


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How to Cite

Piekarczyk, A. (2016). Contemporary organization and a perspective on integration and development. Oeconomia Copernicana, 7(3), 467-483.

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