On the need of usage information in dictionary definitions: EFL students of Polish primary schools in focus


  • Anna Stachurska University of Trnava




stylistic labels, lexicography, dictionaries, pragmatic properties, semantics


Assuming that the information presented in dictionary definitions should indicate that language use depends on the pragmatic situation and the social relationship between speaker and hearer, dictionaries often use special conventions. It is particularly important from the point of view of the language learner that these conventions are not too complicated. Of course, the knowledge of the difference between the semantics of a word and its pragmatic meaning, especially when the dictionary user comes from a different culture, seems to be of prime importance. When consulting dictionaries, the learner of a foreign language needs clear instructions on the formal use of the language, as well as on the use that is not formal, in order to avoid the consequences of a wrong choice.


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How to Cite

Stachurska, A. (2021). On the need of usage information in dictionary definitions: EFL students of Polish primary schools in focus. Radomskie Studia Filologiczne. Radom Philological Studies, 1(10), 103–111. https://doi.org/10.24136/rsf.2021.007


