Acceptance of diversity in today’s world in the literary work “Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros


  • Lucia Karasová University of Prešov



multiculturalism, diversity, acceptance, society, inclusivity, equality


This study explores the complexities of identity and culture in an increasingly interconnected world. Drawing on sociological and literary sources, the research argues that the traditional understanding of identity as rooted in a single culture is no longer tenable in today's globalized society. Instead, individuals navigate a fluid and multifaceted landscape, often embracing multiple cultural identities. The paper analyses the evolution of terms such as "multiculturalism" and "diaspora," highlighting their transformative impact on the perception of human identity. Using Sandra Cisneros' "Mericans" as a case study, the study examines the challenges and opportunities faced by individuals who traverse cultural boundaries. The analysis reveals that while traditional perspectives prioritize cultural preservation, younger generations embrace hybrid identities, drawing strength from their exposure to diverse cultural experiences. The study concludes that in a globalized world, adaptability and acceptance are essential for fostering inclusivity and promoting a society that values diversity.


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How to Cite

Acceptance of diversity in today’s world in the literary work “Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros. (2024). Radomskie Studia Filologiczne. Radom Philological Studies, 1(12), 28-49.