Visual metonymy of boy parts in Krzysztof Kieślowski’s “Three colours: Blue” (1993), A pilot study


  • Lucia Karasová University of Prešov



visual metonymy, , PART-FOR-WHOLE, image schema


The study investigates the role of cognitive tools of PART–FOR–WHOLE or SOURCE–IN–TARGET conceptual metonymy and image schemas inherent in framing in highlighting characters’ inner states, emotions, intentions and actions. The study analyses each shot containing a close-up/extreme close-up of a body part in Krzysztof Kieślowski's "Three Colours: Blue" (1993). It further validates research conducted by cognitive film linguists like Coëgnarts (2019a, 2019b), and Coëgnarts & Kravanja (2016a, 2016b, 2016c) who claim that framing techniques elicit image schemas that shape the viewer's perception of the onscreen reality. It is argued that conceptual metonymy is employed to highlight characters’ mental states and emotions through body parts and their actions to enable the viewer to identify with the characters’ inner states, which the analysis offered confirms.


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How to Cite

Visual metonymy of boy parts in Krzysztof Kieślowski’s “Three colours: Blue” (1993), A pilot study. (2024). Radomskie Studia Filologiczne. Radom Philological Studies, 1(12), 79-96.