Multiculturalism in Polish schools
multiculturalism, cultural diversity, education, teacher, multicultural competenciesAbstract
Nowadays, multiculturalism is highly prevalent, and as a result, there are many challenges in school communities. Culture has a massive impact on the behaviour of individuals and the educational process. Hence, schools should be well-prepared for the challenges related to cultural diversity. Moreover, teachers should be equipped to support the integration of international students and foster positive attitudes towards multiculturalism among learners. Educators should have highly developed multicultural competencies and avoid stereotypes and prejudices. The article discusses how teachers can use their authority to foster the proper attitudes toward multiculturalism among students. It also examines the impact of the increasing number of Ukrainian refugee students on Polish schools and their communities.
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Raport Uczniowie uchodźczy w polskich szkołach CEO wrzesień 2023
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