Elderly people's mobility needs in cities


  • Katarzyna Solecka Cracow University of Technology




elderly people, mobility, urban, transport


Nowadays population ageing is one of the most important challenge in the world. In this paper basic definitions related to old age and population ageing were presented. Predictions of population growth in several dozen of years in different world regions were described in detail. Predictions taking the elderly people into account were emphasized. Based on available data, demographic changes in chosen EU countries were compared. In addition statistic data related to population in Poland and increase in the number of elderly people in several Polish regions were presented. The growth of elderly people in population influences many aspects of urban life. Statistic research shows that most of elderly people, despite of good mental fitness, meet some restrictions, that make their life in cities more difficult, especially including travelling and achieving basic travel purposes. Thus it is necessary to get knowledge on basic elderly people?s needs, as it allows to design cities which are friendly to seniors. The modal split in the elderly peoples? journeys in EU countries was presented on the basis of the literature review. Also elderly people?s mobility needs as well as the most important factors influencing seniors? mobility were identified.


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How to Cite

Solecka, K. (2018). Elderly people’s mobility needs in cities. AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 19(6), 1252–1259. https://doi.org/10.24136/atest.2018.262


