Results of animal transport controls conducted by the Voivodeship Road Transport Inspectorate in Rzeszów over the period 2012-2017
transport, animals, control, Road Transport InspectorateAbstract
The paper discusses the results of animal transport controls con-ducted by the Voivodeship Road Transport Inspectorate in Rzeszów from 2012 to 2017. During the analysed period, 904 controls of animal transportation have been carried out. The obtained results show that numerous irregularities still occur during the transport of animals. The percentage of transport in which violations were observed amounted to 15,66% in 2014 and to 30,90% in 2012. Most non-compliances concerned the working time of the drivers and the incapacity of the vehicle to transport animals. The obtained results point to the need for intensified controls of the rules and conditions of animal transport.
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