Management of cargo flow processes at a maritime terminal container with the use of information systems of the TOS type


  • Daria Kubowicz Maritime University of Szczecin



container terminal, terminal operating system, logistic process


The article explains and discusses the logistic processes occuring inside a maritime container terminal. The processes relate to import as well as export of the goods. A brief characteristisc of the handling equipment, such as: Automated Guided Vehicle, Rail Mounted Gantry Crane, Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane and Ship-to-shore crane has been carried out. During the internal transportation of the containers within the terminal, all the procedures must integrate together. Due to large number of processes taking place in terminals, they base on operating systems such as: Terminal Operating Systems. The characteristics of TOS operating in polish container terminals has been performed. The TOS are IT tools facilitating management of the terminal and leading to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. The purpose of the article is to highlight advantages and benefits of using systems such as TOS..


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How to Cite

Kubowicz, D. (2019). Management of cargo flow processes at a maritime terminal container with the use of information systems of the TOS type. AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 20(1-2), 487–492.


